Daily Household Chores List According To Martha Stewart
In the category of “It’s easy for her to say because she has a staff”, Martha Stewart has taken time from her busy schedule to provide us with her valuable expertise on household chores. (** See disclaimer at the bottom) First of [...]
Appliances That Reorder Your Supplies For You
Running low on coffee? No problem. Mr. Coffee has it covered. Is your printer running low on ink? That’s covered, too. In this age of technology and convenience, where do we draw the line? It seems that Amazon will be [...]
Keep Your Household Appliances Running Longer
When household appliances break down, you have 3 options. You can try to fix it yourself, but appliances are getting more sophisticated and complicated, so unless you have some training, that isn’t always the best option. You can buy a [...]
Are Your Appliances A Fire Hazard?
Anything that heats up or uses electricity can be a potential fire hazard. That’s why it’s so important to maintain them. A clogged dryer vent or overloaded electrical circuit can be deadly. But which appliances cause the most fires? The [...]
Home Repair Scam Artists. Snakes or Charmers?
Here at Moonglow, we pride ourselves om open and honest with every customer. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case with some so-called “Home Repair” companies. Home repair scam artists are common and if you’re not diligent, you, too, can be [...]
Household Appliances: They Just Don’t Make ’em Like They Used To
If you are like many of us, you grew up listening to your parents or grandparents talking about the “good ol’ days”. How many times have you heard expressions like, “When I was your age” or “Back in my day”? [...]