Your Washing Machine Could Be Making You Sick
Not to overstate the obvious, but washing machines wash. Duh. With hot water and detergent agitating in the tub followed by a rinse cycle of clean water, you wouldn’t normally think of your washing machine as being dirty, right? [...]
Are Your Appliances Driving You (beeping) Batty?
Don’t lose your head over this, but I came across an article recently that, at first glance, seemed rather humorous. In this day and age of electronics seemingly taking over our lives, it appears they are also creating a health [...]
Making Your Old ‘Dumb’ Appliances ‘Smart’
Have you ever considered buying new, ‘Smart’ appliances, but couldn’t justify the cost? If you are like many homeowners, you are fascinated by the new technology that goes into them. We now have access to appliances that can ‘think’. ( [...]
How to Clean Your Front-Loading Washing Machine
Front-loading washing machines are energy efficient and use less detergent than top-loaders, but they sometimes have a tendency to harbor mold and unpleasant smells. By giving your washing machine a quick clean once a month, you’ll keep your front-loader fresh, [...]