Should You Buy New or Used Appliances
If you are in the market for an appliance, should you head over to local Best Buy and max out the credit card or is there a more practical approach? Everyone loves new. Whether it’s a new home, car, or [...]
18 Household Tips To Help You Save Time, Money, And Aggravation
We recently came across an article that sounds like any number of articles already out there, but this one is truly unique. I have to admit that I had not heard of most these and probably never would have [...]
Are Your Appliances Possessed?
Sometimes it seems like our appliances have a mind of their own, almost like they are possessed. It can be maddening. Sometimes it’s a malfunction that can be easily fixed. Other times it beyond human comprehension and requires the services [...]
Typical Household Items Can Be Fire Hazards
As we celebrate the new year and begin to take down the holiday decorations, you may come across some potential fire hazards that you overlooked before, including some right in your kitchen. Cooking fires, space heaters, worn out extension cords, [...]
Hackers Targeting “Smart” Home Appliances
It seems we no longer have to worry about the light bulb going off when we close our refrigerator. A bigger concern is shutting off the spycam. “Huh?” “What?” It may be hard to believe, but apparently security researchers have [...]
Tax Tips For Soldiers
I want to talk about something a little different today. I recently came across an article that gives soldiers and their families some tips for this tax season. It is designed to provide a general framework and explore common tax [...]