Here at Moonglow, we pride ourselves om open and honest with every customer. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case with some so-called “Home Repair” companies. Home repair scam artists are common and if you’re not diligent, you, too, can be a victim.

I recently came across an article from that I would like to share with you listing the 9 Biggest Home Repair Scams. (Should I be insulted that appliance repair didn’t make the list? 

These scams include:

⦁ Chimney sweeps
⦁ Termites
⦁ Driveways
⦁ Roofs
⦁ Heating and air conditioning
⦁ Basements
⦁ Plumbing
⦁ Mold
⦁ Painting

Always be on guard and don’t allow yourself to be taken in by these hustlers. And take comfort in knowing that at Moonglow Appliance Repair, you will always be treated fairly and honestly. Our many testimonials will attest to that.

Click here to read the entire article.